Category Season 2

Ep 23: Betrayal (S2 Finale)

Hours had passed since Nightshade and Woodman returned to the Fish Farm. They waited in a sheltered hut, keeping an eye out for Poysenberry. But their friend and his new group never entered through the gates.  ‘This is ridiculous,’ said…

Ep 22: Bridge of Incidents

Their bags jingled as they marched over the desert plains. The sun was losing its power in the sky, making Poysenberry feel a little uncomfortable since last night’s visitor had tried to eat them.  ‘I’ve been racking my brains over…

Ep 21: Glowing Melons

A gentle breeze blew a clump of matted tumbleweed between the decayed ruins. Poysenberry watched it roll to the base of a large statue of a creature he had never seen before in his life. Intrigued, he strayed a little…

Ep 20: Temple of the Seven Moons

Sunlight poked through the entrance of the ruin, washing over Poysenberry and gently nudging him awake. The warmth from the light comforted him and banished most of the fear he had from the night prior. He turned onto his side and…

Ep 19: Legends of Lunacia

The Axies decided to stay the night inside the ruin to avoid running into another hungry creature on the prowl. Eventually, they wandered a little outside the ruin to gather up some sticks and dry desert grass to make a…

Ep 18: Chimera

The Axies spent the entire day out at the oasis bursting Red Jams, disintegrating Toadies, and they even took down a Big Fang near the still lake. The sun was already touching the horizon by the time they finished and…

Ep 17: Red Jam Party

After a long, uncomfortable pause, Smalls turned to Woodman and sneered at him. He moved closer to Woodman and lifted his head up to look down on them.  ‘You all have three days to pay me back,’ he said. ‘Either…

Ep 16: Fish Farm

Poysenberry had never seen so many Aquas in his entire life. And all gathered in one place too. There were Aquas swimming in the stream cutting through the centre of the farm going from one end to the other, and…

Ep 15: Underwater World

The air smelt of kelp as they headed closer to the Fish Farm. Poysenberry thought it had a unique fragrance to it, while Woodman started to cough loudly to make his opinion known. Both Aquas stopped them at the edge of…

Ep 14: Tail Slap

The trio gathered in a defensive stance. Nightshade moved to the front while Woodman and Poysenberry gathered at each of her side. The blue Aqua was screaming its head off, rushing right at them, its eyes wide and its fishhook…

Ep 13: Nighttime Musings

The Bird at Miss Puffy’s right had an arrow sticking through its head, a piece of mail on her back and a balding tail with a single white feather on its end. The other Bird to her left was all…

Ep 12: Fermented Love Potion

The inside of the mobile restaurant was much larger than it seemed from the outside. Woodman sat at right side of the bar, keeping an eye on the front entrance and Nightshade and Poysenberry took the empty seats beside him.…

Ep 11: Midnight Diner

At one point in the night, Woodman stopped walking and refused to move. He turned back and faced the direction they had come from, as if he was staring back at the farm.  ‘The sun will be rising soon,’ said…

Ep 10: Blackmail

The moon shone clearly overhead. Soft beams glistened on the river’s surface while a gentle breeze hummed past the three Axies. Poysenberry shivered as the winds grew chilly and the moonlight began to dull. He spied at the glowing orb, seeing…

Ep 9: Why So Serious?

The commotion from the farm faded into the background, giving way to new and unfamiliar sounds. Hoots could be heard in the distance and the chatter of bugs clicking their pincers seemed closer than they did before. Poysenberry had no…
